Friday, 25 September 2009

Photography Basics

I have been looking at SLR Camera's. SLR stands for Single Lense Reflex camera. This is one of the more traditional types of camera.
All camera's orininaly could only take film and you had to wait to see the image you have captured. Nowdays technology has advanced so much it uses the more up-to-date digital Micro-Chip system so you can take your picture and then view it straight away instead of waiting to see.

There are many ways of restricting light getting into the camera. The Apeture is one way of restricting light and there is also the Shutter, it is important to check the speed of the shutter as this determin's how much light is let in, the slower the shutter speed the more light is let in, so the faster the shutter less light is let in.
The F stop usually ranges from f/2.4 -----> f/22 but it can be different with every camera.

DOF stands for Depth Of Feild. This is very important when taking pictures because if you have a low F number the smaller the depth of field, the larger the hole. This means that more light will be let in and you will have a "bleached" image. Just like this one.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Tate Modern

* Your next post will be about your trip to the Movium and Tate Modern. I want you to put the titles and creators of the two works that you viewed, into two seperate posts.

* The first blog title will be. The Tate image I liked. In this post you will need:

  1. The title of the work: Water-Lilies

  2. Name of the artist: Claude Monet

  3. and a short description of the art work stating what you liked about it: When you first look at this picture it doesnt really look amazing or eye catching, this picture reminds of one of the best weeks of my live when i went to Paris and i visited Claude Monet's Home and Gardens, I got to wander around looking at the Water garden and the Japanese Bridge.

  4. Then try and find an image of it.

* The second post will be about the work you disliked. use the same detail as above,

  1. Title of work: The Projection Room

  2. Name of artist: Paul McCarthy

  1. and why you disliked the work: I thought that the whole consept of projecting images and short films across a whole room at many various angles was really clever and interesting, i liked how the images and films seemed to link in over the top of each other. My only problem with this room/ peice of work in its self, i found it disturbing and bewildering that somebody would want it to be shown or viewed in a gallary.

  2. Again find an image of the work:

Friday, 18 September 2009

My Introduction to Photography

I love photography bacause it preserves amazing exsperiences all over the world to so many people and keeps the past alive.
Photography to me is one of the most important things in life bacause it captures life as it is or was and keeps the special moments forever. I love the way i can capture the things i have done and some of the best days of my life all on Film or Micro-Chip. I love taking pictures of places, events and of things that are or have happened with the people i love.
When i take pictures i use loads of different types and styles of cameras, some of the different types are phone camera's, digital camera's, SLR camera's and more. xo